My son had $600 of income from a failed business relationship. This income was not posted to his DBA. He doubts that his partner will provide a W-2 or 1099 form. He also doubts that the partner will send social security or Medicare payments to the IRS. How should he handle this income? Also, some of his personal property was destroyed in the relocation from the business site. Can that loss offset some of the income? If yes, how is the loss reported?
You son will have to report this income even if he doesn't get a form. This income is considered self-employment and he can include expenses he had related to the business.
To enter this information in TurboTax:
You will be able to deduct any expenses that you had related to your work, like the use of your vehicle. For more information on what expenses can be included, see the TurboTax help article:
What self-employed expenses can I deduct?
Regarding the losses your son had:
For more information visit the IRS page Topic no. 515, Casualty, disaster, and theft losses