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New Member
posted Jun 3, 2019 1:16:44 PM

Income earned from home office...is this referring to new income or income NOT paid by primary employer? I put 1/3 my taxable income because I work from home. Correct(YN)

I added 1/3 total taxable income and for percentage I put 33%. Curious to know whether this is correct because this refund is looking higher than it normally looks.

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1 Best answer
New Member
Jun 3, 2019 1:16:46 PM

If you receive a W-2, all that income is reported as W-2 income, if you receive 1099-MISC for a business you conduct, that is reported as business income on a Schedule C.

If you are in business for yourself and you meet certain tests you are a home office deduction as a business expense.

If your employer requires you to have a home office you may be able to claim home office as a miscellaneous deduction on Schedule A.

If you work at home for your employer and it is for your convenience, but it is not required by your employer, you are not allowed a deduction.

1 Replies
New Member
Jun 3, 2019 1:16:46 PM

If you receive a W-2, all that income is reported as W-2 income, if you receive 1099-MISC for a business you conduct, that is reported as business income on a Schedule C.

If you are in business for yourself and you meet certain tests you are a home office deduction as a business expense.

If your employer requires you to have a home office you may be able to claim home office as a miscellaneous deduction on Schedule A.

If you work at home for your employer and it is for your convenience, but it is not required by your employer, you are not allowed a deduction.