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New Member
posted Oct 16, 2024 7:37:21 AM

I was unable to file 2022 taxes due to issues with my personal life that delayed me to do it. How can I file? Now in 2024 if I have all the information needed to file?

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2 Replies
Level 15
Oct 16, 2024 7:38:43 AM

Level 15
Oct 16, 2024 7:41:35 AM

Online preparation and e-filing for 2020, 2021, and  2022 is permanently closed.

Note:  The desktop software you need to prepare the prior year return must be installed/downloaded to a full PC or Mac.  It cannot be used on a mobile device.


To file a return for a prior tax year

 If you need to prepare a return for 2020, 2021, or 2022  you can purchase and download desktop software to do it, then print, sign,  and mail the return(s)


You may also want to explore purchasing the software from various retailers such as Amazon, Costco, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s, etc.


Remember to prepare your state return as well—if you live in a state that has a state income tax.




When you mail a tax return, you need to attach any documents showing tax withheld, such as your W-2’s or any 1099’s.  Use a mailing service that will track it, such as UPS or certified mail so you will know the IRS/state received the return.


Federal and state returns must be in separate envelopes and they are mailed to different addresses.  Read the mailing instructions that print with your tax return carefully so you mail them to the right addresses.