You do not need to change the order of taxpayers on your tax return. However, if you can change the information by selecting the PERSONAL INFO tab in TurboTax Premier select continue to the page Your Personal Info Summary where you can edit your information by checking edit on the individual you want to change. The taxpayer order on your tax return does not impact your tax return. The IRS does is not concerned which taxpayer is listed first.
The first payer listed on a tax return is the "Taxpayer", the 2nd person is the "spouse". To chance the order, start a new tax return and start over.
Note: that is you filed a joint return in 2017 then do not change the name order from 2017. The IRS warns that changing the name order on a joint return form one yer to the next an cause long processing delays.
You do not need to change the order of taxpayers on your tax return. However, if you can change the information by selecting the PERSONAL INFO tab in TurboTax Premier select continue to the page Your Personal Info Summary where you can edit your information by checking edit on the individual you want to change. The taxpayer order on your tax return does not impact your tax return. The IRS does is not concerned which taxpayer is listed first.