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New Member
posted Jun 6, 2019 12:02:40 AM

I printed my returns for mailing but now i want to file state return online. Is that possible

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1 Replies
New Member
Jun 6, 2019 12:02:42 AM

Hi, yes it is possible. Please see the detailed FAQ for more info:

How do I change from mail to e-file in TurboTax Online?
How do I change from mail to e-file in TurboTax Online?
How do I change from mail to e-file in TurboTax Online?

If you printed your taxes to mail them in and went all the way through the File section, when you sign in to TurboTax Online, the Way to go! You filed your 2018 taxes you won't see a way to change to e-filing. As long as you haven't already mailed your 2018 paper return, you can switch to the e-filing method (through October 15, 2019). However, some states now require e-filing, which means the federal and state must be e-filed together.

If you already mailed your return, don't e-file. This can cause problems with the government, including refund delays.

  1. In TurboTax Online, sign into your account.
  2. Select Tax Home in the left menu.
  3. Scroll down to Your tax returns & documents.
  4. Select 2018, and then select Add a State (you're not actually adding a state, this just gets you into the right menu).
  5. Select File in the left-hand menu (expand your browser window if you don't see this, or go to the hamburger menu in the top left corner).
  6. On the Just one more step screen, follow steps 1 and 2 if you haven't already.
  7. Select the Start button to the right of Step 3.
  8. On the Let's get ready to e-file screen, select I want to e-file.
  9. Follow the instructions to e-file your return