I have wages from another job Ag force through Fowler packing how can I add it to my 2016 taxes
1 Best answer
Level 15
Jun 7, 2019 3:19:51 PM
Use Form 1040X to add or correct information on an already filed tax return. You will have to : 1) wait until your return is processed and - if you expect a refund - you get your refund. 2) return to TurboTAX to "start an Amended Return" for 2016.
3 Replies
Level 15
Jun 7, 2019 3:19:51 PM
Use Form 1040X to add or correct information on an already filed tax return. You will have to : 1) wait until your return is processed and - if you expect a refund - you get your refund. 2) return to TurboTAX to "start an Amended Return" for 2016.
New Member
Jun 7, 2019 3:19:53 PM
Under income it tells you to add another job and the adjusted gross income from your w4.