Edit their information and indicate each lived with you all year.
Being away at college is considered a temporary stay.....and it is a very common mistake people make to indicate they were not at home.
Alos, make sure you indicate that they did NOT pay for more than half of their own support.
Go back to the dependent information section and look at the questions again. Be sure you tell the program they lived with you all year if true (time at school is considered time at home), that they are full time students and don’t provide more than half of their support.
If they did not pay for more than half their own support, you will be able to claim them as a dependent. The restriction on income applies if the dependents do not live with you year round. Time spent away from home is considered a temporary living arrangement and counts as living at home for tax purposes. Therefore, you will want to mark that the children lived with you year round.
[Edited 01/26/25|6:19pm PST]