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New Member
posted Jun 4, 2019 7:34:11 PM

I forgot to enter the prepaid tax for 2016 section. Now my tax payable is 0, I should have my pre-paid tax back. How can I change it?

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1 Best answer
Level 7
Jun 4, 2019 7:34:12 PM

How you can change this depends on if you have filed your return already.  If you have not filed your return, then follow the steps in #1 below.  If you have filed your return, then follow the steps in #2.  

1.  You can enter your estimated taxes paid in 2016 - payments you made to go toward your 2016 federal or state tax liability (Form 1040-ES), by using the search feature in the top right hand corner of your screen and searching for "estimated tax payments" and click the "jump to" link.  Make sure you are inside your return before searching (click the Take Me to My Return button if you are just logging in).  This will bring you right to the appropriate section.

Or, you can also find the section by clicking on the following tabs:

  • Federal Taxes
  • Deductions and Credits
  • You may have to click “Ill Choose what to work on” or "Show All" or "Check for More Credits" to get full list to appear
  • Scroll down to Estimates and Other Taxes Paid
  • Scroll down to Estimates, click Start/Update/Revisit to the right of this category (see screenshot below)
  • Enter your 2016 Paid Estimated Taxes

2.  If you have already filed your return, then you will need to amend your return.  But, first, the IRS will already have a record of these pre-paid payments that you made and its likely they will just refund you the money on their own without you having to process an amended return.  But, if you want to be sure, you can start the amend process using the information below.  During the amend process, when you get the the landing table with a list of menu items you can change - scroll down to Deductions and Credits and follow the navigation steps from above to enter the items.  


1 Replies
Level 7
Jun 4, 2019 7:34:12 PM

How you can change this depends on if you have filed your return already.  If you have not filed your return, then follow the steps in #1 below.  If you have filed your return, then follow the steps in #2.  

1.  You can enter your estimated taxes paid in 2016 - payments you made to go toward your 2016 federal or state tax liability (Form 1040-ES), by using the search feature in the top right hand corner of your screen and searching for "estimated tax payments" and click the "jump to" link.  Make sure you are inside your return before searching (click the Take Me to My Return button if you are just logging in).  This will bring you right to the appropriate section.

Or, you can also find the section by clicking on the following tabs:

  • Federal Taxes
  • Deductions and Credits
  • You may have to click “Ill Choose what to work on” or "Show All" or "Check for More Credits" to get full list to appear
  • Scroll down to Estimates and Other Taxes Paid
  • Scroll down to Estimates, click Start/Update/Revisit to the right of this category (see screenshot below)
  • Enter your 2016 Paid Estimated Taxes

2.  If you have already filed your return, then you will need to amend your return.  But, first, the IRS will already have a record of these pre-paid payments that you made and its likely they will just refund you the money on their own without you having to process an amended return.  But, if you want to be sure, you can start the amend process using the information below.  During the amend process, when you get the the landing table with a list of menu items you can change - scroll down to Deductions and Credits and follow the navigation steps from above to enter the items.  
