Don't think you can. The profit on the product you bought from amazon went to amazon, not intuit. The amount you pay for the online version goes to intuit. Since you already have the CD version from amazon why not go ahead and use it?
I bought my Turbo Tax this year from I received an order confirmation for the sale. When I went to submit my return it ask me to log into my turbo tax account. I did not have one from the email I used. I created an account. Then it asked me to pay for Turbo Tax once again. I have my confirmation number from Amazon. Is there a way that I can submit my returns without going through Turbo Tax and simply use my confirmation from Amazon?
I have an online version from amazon. I did not get a hard disk.
I did use the turbo tax that I purchase. why do I have to pay again?
How much is it charging you? In the Desktop program there is a 24.99 fee to efile the state return. Or you can print and mail state for free.
If you accidentally used the online version instead of the Desktop program installed on your computer you can move your return from online into the Desktop program and file from the program.
When you filled out your return did you go online and log in? And see a black column on the left side with the menu items, Federal, State, File etc.
That is Online.
The Windows Desktop program is blue across the top and the menu items like Federal, State, Review, File go across the top.