@jodeci80 - are you sure? last we were informed, ability to pay with refund was shut off effective August 1 and not available until January. I am sure others will post, but try getting out of Turbo Tax and then launching the browser again.... something is weird.
@NCperson The Pay with Refund option is available again using the online editions.
@jodeci80 Is the Billing Address for the credit card the same as the Mailing Address on the federal tax return?
If so, sign out of the TurboTax online account. Change your web browser to either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox and then access your TurboTax again - https://myturbotax.intuit.com/
If not, then go to My Info on the left side of the online program screen and edit your Mailing Address to the Billing Address. Return to the File section of the program and see if you can enter a Credit Card. If you can then complete the Credit Card section and then return back to the My Info section to change your Mailing Address back to the original address you entered.
Yes it’s available for me and in fact its the only one available as when I try to pay with my CC it says system error.
Yes billing address is still the same, nothing has changed and I’ve used turbo tax the last several years. I had filed for an extension and now ready to file. I have always paid with my CC with no issues until now. When I try to pay with it is says system error but if I try with refund it let’s me continue. I don’t want to pay the $39 assessment fee with refund. I am using safari (which I’ve always done) so maybe let me try a different browser like you said and see if that works.
@jodeci80 suggest calling support.... the ability to pay the fees with the refund was not availalble for the last week and I wonder when TT fixed that, they broke the abiltiy to pay with a cc....ugh.