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Level 2
posted Feb 17, 2025 6:58:24 PM

How to Enter Previous year AGI when our filing status changed

Hello, I got married in 2023, but my wife and I lived in separate homes with our respective children until 2024 when we combined homes.  Therefore we qualified to file as Head of Household for 2023, but no longer do for 2024.  We are now filing as Married filing Jointly in 2024.  I am trying to efile our return and it is asking for the correct AGI.  On TurboTax help there is the following statement 

  • If you're filing jointly this year but selected married filing separately last year, enter each spouse's individual AGIs from last year. This also applies to newlywed couples.

My problem is that turbotax doesn't let me enter our individual AGI's.  It is only letting me enter one number. 

When I began this return I had no way of gathering her information into the tool and it defaulted to just my information.  In any case, it is only showing one place to put the AGI and that has my information in it.  It doesn't seem to let me enter two AGI's manually by using the forms, so I am confused what I need to do.  Can someone help me?

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1 Best answer
Level 2
Mar 3, 2025 3:28:50 PM

Just to update this thread in case anyone wants to know the answer.  I did submit my returns on Feb 21st with just using my AGI from the previous year and it was accepted by federal and state within about 3 hours for federal and 5 hours for state.  

10 Replies
Employee Tax Expert
Feb 18, 2025 9:30:04 AM

The IRS uses your prior year AGI to combat fraud.   


You can find your 2023 Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) by:

  • Looking at line 11 on page 1 of your 2023 Form 1040
  • Requesting a transcript of your 2023 tax return from the IRS. You can request your transcript online at the following link: Get Transcript 


Please click on this TurboTax article for more information. 


Check these items as well to ensure you have the correct number.  If you: 

  • Filed late last year after mid-November or your return was processed after that time—try entering 0
  • Amended your return last year—make sure you’re using the AGI from your original return, not the amended one. (If you only have a 1040X form, it’s on line 1, column A). 
  • Rounded your AGI to the nearest dollar—be sure to round up when it’s 50 cents or more and down when it’s 49 cents or less. 
  • Filed with your spouse last year—you and your spouse have the same 2023 AGI. (Don’t split the AGI amount or enter  0  for one of you). 


Time-saving Tip: If what you entered is correct and you continue to get a reject, you won't be able to e-file. There's probably a data mismatch at the government, or some other situation beyond your control that prevents your return from being e-filed. In this case, your only option would be to print and mail in your return. 


This article will give you instruction on how to print and mail your return. 

Level 2
Feb 18, 2025 3:38:13 PM

Thank you for your attempt to respond.  Unfortunately, I already understood everything that you answered.  My question was not why I need to enter the information or where to get the information.  My question is where can I enter both of our information.  TurboTax only lets me enter my information.  There is no line or location where I can enter her information.  I even looked on the forms themselves and was unable to figure out where to enter the information for my wife.  


It doesn't seem to me that TurboTax supports the situation that I have where we filed separately last year and are filing jointly this year.  I would love it if I am wrong and someone can show me how to get this done.  I would like to resolve this before I try and file my taxes since I do not want to pay the electronic filing fees and then find out that I need to file on paper.  


Employee Tax Expert
Feb 18, 2025 3:45:21 PM

You are not seeing a space for your AGI and a space for spouses AGI? Can you provide a screenshot?

Level 2
Feb 18, 2025 4:02:30 PM

I am only seeing one place to enter as shown below.

Employee Tax Expert
Feb 19, 2025 7:16:40 AM

Are you able to continue and file if you only enter your agi from last year?

Level 2
Feb 19, 2025 1:59:27 PM

I think so, but have not tried yet.  My AGI is still correct and I am the primary tax filer, so there is a chance it would work, but I was hesitant to spend the money for e-filing if I may end up having to send it via the mail. That is why I am asking these questions on the turbotax forum.  I hoped someone from turbotax would know.



Level 15
Feb 19, 2025 2:05:23 PM

Are you sure the program knows you are filing Joint?  In the past on my Desktop Joint returns the AGI for spouse is on a later page.  Maybe you just need to keep going. 

Level 2
Feb 20, 2025 7:01:21 AM

Yes the program knows I am filing jointly.  It knew that from the beginning because I had to select it.  I know that it is properly selected and I had to enter all of the information for both of us, so the program knew as well.  The return is basically fully completed and I am just trying to get this answer before I hit the send button.  Therefore there are no other steps that I am aware of.

Employee Tax Expert
Feb 22, 2025 6:54:05 AM

Try entering the combined AGI's from last year and see if that works. If it rejects, try entering just your own AGI since you are the primary taxpayer on the account. 


Let us know if either one of these solutions work.



Level 2
Mar 3, 2025 3:28:50 PM

Just to update this thread in case anyone wants to know the answer.  I did submit my returns on Feb 21st with just using my AGI from the previous year and it was accepted by federal and state within about 3 hours for federal and 5 hours for state.