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New Member
posted Jun 4, 2019 5:55:44 PM

How much am I getting nack how much do I owe

pay federal tax

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1 Best answer
Intuit Alumni
Jun 4, 2019 5:55:45 PM

We do not have access to your returns for security reasons, but the best way to tell is to login to your account and click on your 2017 taxes. It will give tell you how much you owe or are getting back for Federal and State.  You are also able to look at your 2017 return if you printed it out. 

1 Replies
Intuit Alumni
Jun 4, 2019 5:55:45 PM

We do not have access to your returns for security reasons, but the best way to tell is to login to your account and click on your 2017 taxes. It will give tell you how much you owe or are getting back for Federal and State.  You are also able to look at your 2017 return if you printed it out.