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New Member
posted Jun 6, 2019 12:01:55 AM

How do i add my dependant (wich is my 30 yr old daughter)w2 info

i already added her...but where can i put down her wages of only $1150.

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1 Best answer
Expert Alumni
Jun 6, 2019 12:01:57 AM

You do not put your dependent's W-2 information on your return.

If your unmarried dependent's W-2 earnings exceed his/her standard deduction ($12,000 in 2018), they should file their own return and report the W-2 on their return.

But even if your dependent didn't earn enough to be required to file, s/he may want to file a return to recover any withholdings.

2 Replies
Jun 6, 2019 12:01:57 AM

Her income doesn't go on your return.   It would go on her own return if she needed to file one.

Expert Alumni
Jun 6, 2019 12:01:57 AM

You do not put your dependent's W-2 information on your return.

If your unmarried dependent's W-2 earnings exceed his/her standard deduction ($12,000 in 2018), they should file their own return and report the W-2 on their return.

But even if your dependent didn't earn enough to be required to file, s/he may want to file a return to recover any withholdings.