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posted May 31, 2019 8:09:23 PM

His aunt gifted $20,000 to my daughters fiancé, and they got married in 2016

I'm the brides father and will be doing their taxes, I'm not sure if the gift was all to my son-in-law or split between him and my daughter. Do they have to claim the gift money either way? Will they be required to pay tax on any of the money? I don't know if his aunt will or has claimed the gift on her taxes.

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1 Best answer
Level 15
May 31, 2019 8:09:25 PM

It is not taxable.  But you can record it as nontaxable income in the Sales Tax deduction section of their Joint return if they itemize.

1 Replies
Level 15
May 31, 2019 8:09:25 PM

It is not taxable.  But you can record it as nontaxable income in the Sales Tax deduction section of their Joint return if they itemize.