Do transaction fees, listing fees, renewal fees, ads etc from etsy have to be broken out as such with their specific amounts in turbotax or can they be lumped together?
Etsy doesn't sum up each one for you they are listed under "Your Bill" in etsy so I'm wondering if I have to go in and add up all of my transaction fees and expense those seperately from listing fees, renewal fees, ads etc..
1 Best answer
Level 7
Jun 4, 2019 5:27:06 PM
You should break out each expenses separately if practical in the Miscellaneous expense category.
If not practical, you can lump them together as one expense although I would enter "ads" in the Advertising category.
3 Replies
Level 7
Jun 4, 2019 5:27:06 PM
You should break out each expenses separately if practical in the Miscellaneous expense category.
If not practical, you can lump them together as one expense although I would enter "ads" in the Advertising category.