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Level 1
posted Jun 5, 2019 11:57:28 PM

Can I put any name I want for Farm Name, or does it have to be a name that I have officially registered somewhere or on a business license?

This is my first year filing a schedule F. I sell eggs and chicks. I do make a profit, though it is very modest. The first question is Farm Name. I have my own name that I like for my poultry operation, but it's not on any legal or official paperwork. Is this just a casual identifier, or do I need to be careful of what I enter for the name?

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1 Best answer
New Member
Jun 5, 2019 11:57:30 PM

You can put anything you want since it doesn't sound like you have set up an Employment Identification Number (EIN). It's a sole proprietorship farming enterprise and will just be attached to your social security number.

1 Replies
New Member
Jun 5, 2019 11:57:30 PM

You can put anything you want since it doesn't sound like you have set up an Employment Identification Number (EIN). It's a sole proprietorship farming enterprise and will just be attached to your social security number.