It depends on your filing status. While capital gains may be taxed at a different rate (including 0%), they are still included in your adjusted gross income, or AGI, and thus can affect your tax bracket.
why if $700K in LTCG is AGI only $200K.
$200K less say a standard deduction of about $12K that leaves taxable income of about $188K. and assuming filing status is single.
About $40K is taxed at zero leaving about $148K taxed at 15%. so taxes would be about $22K. but since key info is missing the taxes could be substantially different.
MFJ about 80K taxed a zero leaving $108K taxed at 15%
Thank you, Mike. I guess I asked the question the wrong way. You are correct the AGI will not be $200K but $900K (200K would have been the AGI without LTCG). My question then is this: Is all of the LTCG of 700K taxed at the top rate, or is some (around 300K) of it taxed at a lower rate (15%) and then what is left at 20% (given that what is left means the total AGI is now above 500K, which is about the tax bracket threshold for married jont)?