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posted Jun 4, 2019 7:53:48 PM

Where do I file form 8889?

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1 Replies
Level 13
Jun 4, 2019 7:53:49 PM

Form 8889 reports on your HSA (Health Savings Account) contributions and distributions. It is generated automatically by TurboTax based on answers in the HSA interview and on your W-2, and attached to your 1040 tax return.

If you have a code of W in box 12 on your W-2, then you have an HSA and must add form 8889 to your return. Even if you do not, but have a 1099-SA, then you should do this by going to Federal->Deductions & Credits->Medical->HSA, MSA Contributions, and completing the interview. Be sure to go to the very end, to where you are returned to "Your Tax Breaks".