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New Member
posted Jun 4, 2019 5:51:57 PM

We currently MFS and itemize deductions. For 2018, we will MFJ and take the standard deduction. Are 2017 state refunds applied to 2018 taxes federally taxable?

My thinking is that we will not get a 1099 for these funds - they just 'pass through' the year and thus are not income.

0 3 662
1 Best answer
Jun 4, 2019 5:52:01 PM

If you itemized in the prior year and took a deduction for state taxes paid, then the state refunds you received do get included as income the current year.

3 Replies
Level 15
Jun 4, 2019 5:51:59 PM

You WILL get a 1099-G for the refunds. They don't "just pass through." Applying the 2017 refunds to your 2018 tax is the same as if you received the refunds and then wrote a check to the state for your 2018 tax.

New Member
Jun 4, 2019 5:52:00 PM

Thanks for clarifying!  Appreciate the prompt response:)

Jun 4, 2019 5:52:01 PM

If you itemized in the prior year and took a deduction for state taxes paid, then the state refunds you received do get included as income the current year.