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Level 2
posted Jan 16, 2025 8:23:24 PM

TTDesktop 2024 On the medical worksheet the MedicareB,C,D premiums go on one line, and other premiums on another line, but step-by-step just lumps them on one line. bug?

It just seems inconsistent since I do have both types of premiums. I get that the same amt xfers to SchA either way.

0 4 925
4 Replies
Level 15
Jan 17, 2025 6:51:43 AM

I don't see them listed on the same line in step-by-step in Desktop entries, at least not on the 2024 Windows Premier product:



Level 15
Jan 17, 2025 7:03:11 AM

It doesn't matter. As you noted, only the total of all your medical expenses actually appears on your tax return. The detailed breakdown in TurboTax is just meant to help you remember to include all appropriate expenses.


Level 2
Jan 17, 2025 7:19:09 AM

I suspect I will not receive an SSA-1099 since I am not taking social security yet. I now see that any SSA-1099 would have been entered during the income section. As a result my dialog looks a little different and seems incomplete when comparing it to the medical worksheet form. (I am also using Premier)


So even though I have B,D and G, I don't have the opportunity to enter them separately unless I skip the step-by-step and do the worksheet manually for this portion. As far as I can tell it makes no difference on SchA. 


Level 15
Jan 17, 2025 9:14:37 AM

Ahhh...that situation


Yeah, if you are not yet taking SS yet, and are paying into Medicare separately, it would be nice if they added some kind of help/ explanation about just summing it all on that one line until they start taking SS and paying it out of monthly benefits.   Not sure what the SSA-1099 will show if you start mid-year.....will the before-start Medicare payments be added in, or have to entry them separately.


Keep carful records, whenever you start SS, to see what shows up on the SSA-1099 for the year.
