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New Member
posted Apr 12, 2020 9:28:53 AM

Medical deductions over 7.5 agi is not working in turbo tax

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2 Replies
Level 15
Apr 12, 2020 9:44:04 AM

Why do you think that it is not working?    What is on schedule A lines 1-4?


(Note, you will not have a schedule A if your itemized deductions are less then the standard deduction).


You can check the actual amount of itemized deductions by using the Search Topics for "itemized deductions, choosing" (under "My Account, Tools" in the online versions). Click on "Change my deduction". That will display the actual amount of itemized deductions vs. the standard deduction. (Be sure to uncheck "Change my deduction" after checking it so you do not lock in the wrong deduction.

Expert Alumni
Apr 12, 2020 9:45:24 AM

What does that mean? Are you not getting the amount on Schedule A for what is over 7.5% of AGI?