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New Member
posted May 31, 2019 6:54:36 PM

Is my child's speech therapy tax deductible?

I have a 2 year old who needed speech therapy per my pediatrician. He goes once a week for a half hour at $40 a week.

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1 Best answer
New Member
May 31, 2019 6:54:38 PM

Yes, this can be included as a medical expense; however, you can only claim medical expenses over 10% (7.5% if you're 65 or older) of your adjusted gross income and if you itemize your deductions.

3 Replies
New Member
May 31, 2019 6:54:38 PM

Yes, this can be included as a medical expense; however, you can only claim medical expenses over 10% (7.5% if you're 65 or older) of your adjusted gross income and if you itemize your deductions.

New Member
May 31, 2019 6:54:40 PM

I tried that but the drop down, box will not let me select a name or put on in.

Level 15
May 31, 2019 6:54:42 PM

Yes, as a medical expense on Sch A if you itemize.  But your total medical expense has to be greater than 10% of your AGI to get any deduction.