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posted May 31, 2019 6:49:25 PM

Foster pet expenses

I foster litters of kittens all year for a non profit cat rescue. Where would I enter the expenses for this on my tax return? I see the charitable donations, but there inst really a good section for this. The expenses would be from upkeep of the room they are in and the increased utilities. I have already put in the mileage.

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1 Replies
Employee Tax Expert
May 31, 2019 6:49:26 PM

Yes, you may report your fostering expenses as Non-Cash Charitable Deductions on Schedule A, as long as the non-profit cat rescue has an IRS 501(c)(3) designation. 

Fostering expenses eligible for deduction are food, medicines, veterinary bills, crates, garbage bags, and the like. Even a portion of your utilities can be considered expenses as long as a a specific area of your home is only used for the care of the animals and nothing else.