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Level 1
posted Jan 31, 2022 8:42:14 AM

Form 1040 Line 12b programming error

We are taking the standard deductions so we should be able to deduct $600 (married filing jointly) on line 12b on Form 1040 for Charitable Contributions.  However, TurboTax automatically puts $300 in the block.  When I run error check it flags every time and when you look at the form list, there is an error on 1040/1040SR Wks.  I've tried manually entering $600 but it overrides it every time and puts the number back to $300.

6 7 2078
7 Replies
Level 15
Jan 31, 2022 8:44:28 AM

for the TurboTax desktop editions - 


To remove the error I went into Forms mode and deleted the Charitable Organization Worksheet.  Then on the Form 1040 Worksheet for Line 12b removed the $300 amount so Line 12b is now blank (empty).

Going back to Step-by-Step I completed the Deductions & Credits section without entering anything for a charitable donation.  Continuing through the screens until landing on the screen labeled Charitable Cash Contributions under Cares Act, I entered $600.  Continued through Final Review without error.


For the TurboTax online editions -


The problem appears to be that a charitable donation was entered in the Deductions and Credits section of the program when you are only eligible for the Standard Deduction.

Click on Tax Tools on the left side of the online program screen

Click on Tools

Click on Delete a form

Scroll through the all the forms, schedules and worksheets listed and delete all the Charitable Organization forms listed.

When completed with removing forms click on

 Continue With My Return

 at the bottom of the list.


Click on Federal on the left side of the screen

Click on Deductions & Credits at the top of the screen

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on 

Wrap up tax breaks


Continue through the screens.  After the screen showing that you are getting the Standard Deduction the following screen is Charitable Cash Contributions under Cares Act.  Enter $600 if filing Jointly or $300 for all other filing status'.  The federal review and the Final Review should no longer show an error for the charitable donation.

Level 1
Feb 3, 2022 5:23:10 AM

This solved my problem.  Thank you

Level 3
Feb 4, 2022 8:59:50 AM

How many people are simply going to "give up" because it's FEB 4 and TT has not yet fixed this STUPID BLUNDER???

New Member
Feb 7, 2022 11:35:49 AM

This process does not fix me state tax form Oregon OR-A.  Any Thoughts?  Charitable cash donations are missing.  Turbo Tax Premier for Mac.

New Member
Feb 7, 2022 11:47:59 AM

If you want to accept $300 as your max  federal credit you can adjust your worksheets accordingly.  You may still have to  manually fix the 1040 Line 12 calculation.  This scenario also populates OR-40A.  Unfortunately married filing jointly people won't get to claim $600 in Oregon.

Level 1
Feb 11, 2022 10:52:23 AM

I have the same problem with Form 1040/1040SR WKS. TT Deluxe is entering the incorrect value on line 12b and will not allow me to correct it.


The situation in detail:


TurboTax Deluxe (Desktop) is taking Standard Deduction, which is correct.


Filing: Married Filing Jointly


Amount on Line 12a correctly reflects my standard deduction


Below Line 12a below instructions, "Enter the smaller of these cash contributions made or $300 ($600 if married filing jointly on 12b below if you take the standard deduction", the amount is $358.


So based on the instructions the correct amount for line b appears to be $358 (the smaller of the cash contributions or $600 for MFJ). BUT, TT keeps entering $300 in red.


If I change it to $358, final review complains, and when I look back at line 12b, it is changed back to $300 in red. It seems like there is nothing I can do to make this line $358.


Can someone please tell me what I'm doing incorrectly or else please correct the program to enter the correct value. I believe that TT should enter $358 in box 12a or at least allow me to do so.



New Member
Feb 11, 2022 1:50:38 PM

I fixed the error as follows:

1.  Update the red text in box 12b to your desired value.  

2.  When faced with the Analyze Y/N again choose No.  


I have to file an Oregon return.  So in order to have qualified cash donations show up on OR-A I needed to create them using the TT easy step process.  The real trick is not to over analyze things.  Hope this helps.