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New Member
posted Jun 1, 2019 12:04:36 AM

Are Long-Term Care Premiums still deductible in Maine??? If so, where do you add them?

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1 Best answer
New Member
Jun 1, 2019 12:04:38 AM

As of January 1, 2016, the deduction for long-term care premiums (subtraction modification of income) has been repealed and is no longer available.

Please see the instructions to 2016 Maine Form 1040ME, Page 2 (Important Changes for 2016):


Please also see State of Maine Enacted Tax Legislation - 2016 Session - Individual Income Tax:


2 Replies
New Member
Jun 1, 2019 12:04:38 AM

As of January 1, 2016, the deduction for long-term care premiums (subtraction modification of income) has been repealed and is no longer available.

Please see the instructions to 2016 Maine Form 1040ME, Page 2 (Important Changes for 2016):


Please also see State of Maine Enacted Tax Legislation - 2016 Session - Individual Income Tax:


Level 1
Oct 12, 2020 8:17:03 AM

It would be nice if long term care insurance was more affordable, but trust the State of Maine to squash its' deductibility in spite of the fact those that can afford it are relieving the taxpayers of a substantial welfare cost and had the foresight to provide for their final days. Do not understand why people want to live here. Extremely high taxes due to the legislature spending 'other peoples money' like drunken sailors. And then there is the weather... would have left a long time ago if a divorce wasn't more expensive.