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New Member
posted Jun 3, 2019 4:20:53 PM

Are health insurance premiums paid from a retiree medical savings account included in the total for premiums paid? The company funded the account before husband retired.

The first part of the year the premiums were deducted from his pension plan funds and I included those since the funds are taxable. Midway through the year we switched to having the premiums paid out of the retiree medical savings account consisting of funds that the company contributed prior to retirement.

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1 Best answer
Expert Alumni
Jun 3, 2019 4:20:55 PM

Premiums paid out of the retirement savings account contributed by his employer are not deductible.

2 Replies
Expert Alumni
Jun 3, 2019 4:20:55 PM

Premiums paid out of the retirement savings account contributed by his employer are not deductible.

New Member
Jun 3, 2019 4:20:56 PM

Thank you.