I moved from Texas to California in May. I bought a house in California in December. I am Green Card holder.
What should be the answer for "Your state of Domicile"?
The question is "Where were you domiciled?"
I still hold passport of a foreign country but a green card of USA.
If I should select "In the United States" then should California be the "State of Domicile" because for the foreseeable future, this is where I am going to live?
@rupeshaki , if currently your "home" is in California and you have met the "resident" requirements of California then you are resident/ domiciled in California -- irrespective of your immigration status ( Citizen/Green Card/ Resident for Tax purposes etc. ).
Does that make sense?
Thanks pk.
California is my "home" but I lived in the state only for 7 months in 2021.
This is what I found online for "resident" requirements: "You will be presumed to be a California resident for any taxable year in which you spend more than nine months in this state. Although you may have connections with another state, if your stay in California is for other than a temporary or transitory purpose, you are a California resident."
Since my stay in California is NOT temporary, I will go with "Domiciled in California" option.
@rupeshaki Namaste
You are correct in keeping it simple and declare yourself a resident of California --- closer connection etc. However, if your earnings for the year 2021 were mostly in Texas and you spent only part of the year earning in California, then it may be better to declare yourself part-year resident and thus avoid CA taxes on the income earned in Texas.
Does that make sense?
If you want a more specific answer, suggest you PM and provide me more details of your situation --- this is public board and personally identifiable info should not placed here.
Namaste ji