I currently reside and work a 9 to 5 job in Kentucky, but for 2022, I have picked up a second part-time, remote job in which the employer is based in Arizona. I am looking to verify the impact this may have on my tax situation.
I do not think I need to have any Arizona state tax withheld from my remote role pay, nor do I think I need to file an Arizona state return. But, should I update my W-4 for my 9 to 5 job in KY to withhold additional tax using the multiple jobs worksheet?
Please advise. Thanks in advance.
Yes, you seem to have a grasp on all of the conditions. You stated that you started your new job this year, so it will be reported in next year's tax preparation.
Yes, you seem to have a grasp on all of the conditions. You stated that you started your new job this year, so it will be reported in next year's tax preparation.