If you are able to itemize your deductions, then you could potentially take an itemized deduction for your state income taxes paid in 2020. Be aware your overall deduction for taxes on your federal tax return is limited to $10,000. Any amounts over this are not deductible.
You can enter this amount as follows in the Federal section of the program.
- Select Deductions & Credits
- Scroll down to All Tax Breaks and select the section titled Estimates and Other Taxed Paid
- Select Income Taxes Paid
- On the next screen titled Income Taxes Paid, scroll down to the section titled Other Income Taxes paid in 2020
- Select Start to the right of Balance due on your 2019 state taxes paid in 2020 OR Payments for 2018 or a prior year...paid in 2020, as applicable to your situation
- Proceed to enter your information as prompted