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New Member
posted Jun 3, 2019 11:43:32 AM

I don't understand this question: What did you do with the money from retirement services?

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1 Best answer
Intuit Alumni
Jun 3, 2019 11:43:34 AM

If you are referring to the question that is asked after you have entered a Form 1099-R reporting a distribution from a retirement account, it is not important exactly what you did with the money unless it was rolled into another type of retirement plan.

If it was rolled into another retirement plan, then you should indicate that and answer the remaining questions that will come up.  If you did not roll it into another retirement plan, then indicate that you did something else with it. 

2 Replies
Level 15
Jun 3, 2019 11:43:33 AM

Was it from your pension?  All it really wants to know if you rolled it over or transferred it to another retirement account.  If you got a pension and got a check or the money that is something else.

Intuit Alumni
Jun 3, 2019 11:43:34 AM

If you are referring to the question that is asked after you have entered a Form 1099-R reporting a distribution from a retirement account, it is not important exactly what you did with the money unless it was rolled into another type of retirement plan.

If it was rolled into another retirement plan, then you should indicate that and answer the remaining questions that will come up.  If you did not roll it into another retirement plan, then indicate that you did something else with it.