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New Member
posted Jun 3, 2019 4:52:19 PM

How do I get rid of a w-2 that I didn't receive in the first place?

the program keeps asking for info about a w-2 that I never intended to enter in the first place since neither my wife or I ever received one this year?

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1 Replies
New Member
Jun 3, 2019 4:52:21 PM

The W-2 form was more than likely created when you transferred your 2017 data into your return.  You can delete the unwanted W-2 by following the steps below:

  1. Open your return.
  2. Search for W-2  using the search or help feature in the upper right corner and then click the "Jump to" link in the search results.
  3. This brings you to the Review your W-2 info screen. Click delete next to the unwanted W-2 and then answer Yes on the following screen.