Can the deluxe version handle Forms 1098,1099-R,1099-Q, and SSA-1099?
Can the Deluxe version handle Forms 1098,1099-R,1099-Q, and SSA-1099?
You are a bit vague on when Premiere version is necessary, or not.
1 Best answer
New Member
Jun 4, 2019 5:19:25 PM
Yes, Deluxe will handle all those forms. Scroll down below the product information and Click on tax forms and you will be able to see all the forms each program supports. See screenshot and let me know if you need more help.
Yes, Deluxe will handle all those forms. Scroll down below the product information and Click on tax forms and you will be able to see all the forms each program supports. See screenshot and let me know if you need more help.