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New Member
posted Sep 30, 2024 2:48:47 PM

ISO Sale. Don't know Market Value


At the very end of 2022, I exercise ISO options from a privately held company for stock units.

I didn't receive any documentation that I can find for this transaction, other than my check clearing.

Fast forward to August 2023, and my company exercises their right to repurchase my shares.


As I started entering this in Turbo Tax, I started investigating and realized I should have added these to by 2022 failing for exercising the options.


I have now sold, but I don't know the FMV of the shares because the company is privately held. All I know is the strike price of my options, and the price per share at which my former company repurchased them.


What should I do?

Do I need to amend my 2022 filing and can I do that with Turbo Tax (I didn't use Turbo Tax originally to file)?

Do I need to reach out to my former employer to see if they can provide me with FMV somehow or can I assume FMV of either the strike price or the repurchase price?


Thanks for the help in navigating this situation.

0 4 7334
4 Replies
Level 15
Sep 30, 2024 2:55:46 PM

Level 15
Sep 30, 2024 8:39:20 PM

look at your w-2 for the year ISO exercised. any difference between what you paid and the fair value should have been included in the wage box and coded as 12V on the w-2. Best to ask your employer to make sure


if nothing was added your tax basis is what your paid. 


New Member
Oct 1, 2024 6:57:34 AM

There was no 12V on my W-2. So if nothing was there, so the tax basis (FMV) for the stock is the strike price I paid?

Level 15
Oct 1, 2024 9:13:24 AM

as I stated originally, it's best to check with the employer. The w-2 could have been prepared improperly