After you file

Me Also did taxes for the first time myself for 2019 after seperating.  Now it says still being processed and no stimulus. There is talks of a 2nd stimulus. Can the IRS atleast get our tax money to us first. Then get the stimulus out to people should go in order!!! I didnt work enough to qualify for unemployment so im depending on this Money

After you file

Holy crap!  I think you just answered my question!  I’m in the same boat to where my ex got hers right away and I’m still waiting!  We haven’t been together 2 1/2 years and my divorce was just approved!  I filed  head of household a well!  

After you file

I feel the same way you do. its been way to long and I also used turbo tax this year!!! ERRRRRRRRRRRR

After you file

This is my timeline

January 28---- we get the W2 and I file our taxes

January 29---- "Yay!" They are accepted and being processed. Should get them around February 18.

February 18---- hmm nothing yet, probably tomorrow!

February 19th--- nothing still.... maybe I did something wrong or overlooked something,  but it was one simple W2.
Let me see if anyone else is having trouble. 

February 21 --- Find out that it is because I claimed my children and our family of 4 claimed EIC this year. But it says that if everything is good we should get it between the end of February or first week of March.
March 6th-------  Nothing still, I must've made a mistake. So I call IRS and they pull up my info.

"Okay, you'll get a review letter on March 16 and we'll have 60 days to review everything"
"Did I do something wrong on my taxes?"
"No. It is just policy."

March 16--------- Coronavirus starts closing everything down. We get a letter saying under review and it tells us to not contact IRS until that review time is up, they'll let us know if they need anything from us.

April 3---- Turbotax takes their fee from our account since our refund is delayed.
* I guess Turbotax and their employees weren't affected by coronavirus.*
And as of April 10th, they also state that the IRS is still processing refunds like "normal" and we shouldn't expect refund delays.

 And the only places I have found Turbotax stating possible delays is here for PAPER returns:

May 17--- Nothing still. I try to call IRS and can't get ahold of anyone. So I discuss it with different people.

May 19--- People on Turbotax thread say IRS probably wasn't able to review it  because IRS sent employees home due to coronavirus, and they pulled my taxes from the processing system. And I'll probably get another letter that will give them another 60 days because these "aren't normal times".... which means they are putting people's refunds on hold for 120+ days.

May 20 -21 - Still cannot get in touch with anyone at IRS or Tax Advocate Service.

******Murphy's Law******


After you file

Good news. Got a hold or an IRS rep yesterday and they said when waiting for refund and filling injured spouse you would have to wait up to 14 weeks. They do not count the days IRS was closed. So I filed feb 7 and they said I should have it around first week of July. Sucks I had to wait 1 month because they closed but at least I have an answer.

They also said the injured spouse i filed will give me the stimulas once my refund is processed. They applied my husbands stimulas to his child support but my portion goes to a "holding tank" so to speak and will be paid out after refund processed.

After you file

I applied back on March 11th..I got on line to check the status an it said that my refund was processed on March 10th an I would not be getting a return.My question is how was it process on March 10th when I didn't file till March 11th.Theres some **bleep** going on with the IRS ..They fking with our money..

After you file

I would join you 👏🏽!! Like, WHAT?? Process?? Either we getting our stimulus check or let us know something!!

After you file

I've been waiting for a refund for over two months now. I e-filed on March 17, and TurboTax sent me an email saying that the IRS accepted my return on March 18.


For two months, all the refund status showed was:

"Your tax return is still being processed.
A refund date will be provided when available."


As of this morning, I am now getting this message:

"We have received your tax return and it is being processed."


Does this mean something is moving now?


If this represents progress, I'll take it! Or will I be waiting for another two months like some people are reporting here?


I don't know what to think anymore. 😫


Expert Alumni

After you file

The online link is your best option to track your refund.  I have attached a link with more answers from the IRS as to why your refund may be taking longer to process.

Federal refund questions


There is a delay in processing the returns as the IRS is not processing paper returns at the moment due to Covid-19 and social distancing policies in effect.  

IRS operations


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After you file

Yes yes amen we need our money it is all ready hardcore out here with out cov 19

New Member

After you file

My federal return was accepted on 4/29. On the 18th day, I checked WMR and it said still processing with no bar, then I started to worry. I kept checking WMR every day, and on the 21st day my status was changed to "We have received your tax return and it is being processed". Today (the 23rd day) my 2020 account transcript became available and it has "846  Refund issued", the date listed is 5/28/2020. The only codes listed are 150, 806, and 846. I will update after I actually receive my refund. 

Expert Alumni

After you file

Yes, please keep checking the Where's My Refund.  You should see a change soon.  @ATD1


It is taking the IRS longer to process returns since they are closed.  They are still processing e-filed returns but the 21 days (business days) is not the standard now due to Covid-19.

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After you file

This is my timeline EXACTLY ( a few days off here and there, but besides that to a T!) soooooooo frustrating... I signed all the way into my account to comment on this and let you know your not alone, because I know reading your comment made me have hope that it wasn’t just me getting screwed again, like I always do. I’m sorry your going through this. I know I dream of my taxes nightly. Everyone who already got there taxes is bitching about the stimulus and I’m thinking **bleep**, how crazy would ya’ll be going if you were n my shoes and still waiting in your **bleep**taxes!!!!!!!! Grrrrr....

After you file

How do you get in touch with the IRS because I keep calling and I’m not getting no response from anyone if you have a number please put it out there because I need to get in touch with him because I haven’t received anything either not Even my stimulus check either and I’m person I followed on April 1

After you file

Can you give me the phone number