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New Member
posted Jun 7, 2019 4:28:02 PM

What is a school EIN?

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2 Replies
Intuit Alumni
Jun 7, 2019 4:28:03 PM

An EIN (employer identification number) is also called a federal identification number. It is found in common tax documents like Form W-2's.  If you received a Form 1098-T, Tuition Statement, it should include the federal identification number for the college. Please view the screenshot below for reference. 

Otherwise, you may need to contact your school's financial aid department to ask for their EIN.

Employee Tax Expert
Feb 16, 2020 5:10:58 AM

As answered above by user KatrinaB, the EIN for the school is a Federal ID number assigned to that school.  That number is needed in order to enter information from your Form 1098-T and it should be shown on the Form 1098-T.  It may be labeled as the 'EIN' or 'Federal ID' or something similar.  


If you have a Form 1098-T without the school's Federal ID number, you should contact your school to ask for the number.  Otherwise, you will have an error entering your information for an education credit.


