I was able to enter 1098-T tuition expenses in Turbotax last year when I did 2019 taxes, but this year's software won't let me do it for 2020. I can enter the amount for 'Books and materials' but 'Tuition and enrollment fees' shows $0, and it's greyed out. When I click on the 'Tuition and enrollment fees' link, I get a popup that says:
"This number includes the total amount of tuition and related fee expenses (such as student fees, attendance fees, enrollment fees or assessment fees) that you paid to your school in 2020.
Note: You entered this number in earlier."
I didn't enter anything from the 1098-T for 2020, and I've been through everything and don't see another place to enter it. Seems like this should be an active box to be able to enter the Box 1 info from the 1098-T. Did I somehow miss something somewhere?
Try this:
Go through the entire education interview until you reach a screen titled "Your Education Expenses Summary". Click edit next to the student's name. That should take you to a screen “Here’s your Education Summary”. Click edit next to tuition
I found that if you enter a child as a first year with a 1098T, it asks for the details. But if you're updating info from a prior year where they had a 1098T, it skips the details. In that case, the correction is as others explained - go to the end, then edit. 4 in college, so lots of scenarios.