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posted Jun 3, 2019 1:13:15 PM

On my T4A slips should I put my bursary amount under box 105 as full-time scholarship or part-time scholarship if I was both a full time and part-time student in 2018?

I am a university student in Alberta. On my 2018 T2202A slip it says I was a full time student for 6 months and a part time student for 2 months (because I dropped a course in the middle of the semester). I also received three bursaries and therefore have three T4A slips. Because I was both a full time student and part time student I do not know if I should put the bursary amount under Box 105 as "Full-time scholarship: also have T2202A with months in Box C" or "Part-time scholarship: also have T2202A with months in Box B" 

And when I put the bursary amount under "Other scholarships, grants, awards etc: taxable" it gave me a warning that said "You received a scholarship amount on a T4A slip and also reported tuition fees on a T2202A. To properly calculate your tax exemption, on your T4A, move the amount in the taxable box 105 to one of the other box 105 fields (either a part-time or full-time), as applicable."

Any feedback will be helpful, thanks. 

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Level 15
Jun 3, 2019 1:13:16 PM

This is the TT USA forum. For Canada, go here:
