I am an owner/operator. I have my trucks entered in the vehicle summary and that allows for entering expenses for the truck. I have my trailers listed as assets. Which allows for the depreciation of the trailer. Where or can I put in the repairs for the trailer, tires, brakes, etc. Thanks
Depending on the type of repairs made to the trailer you can enter the trailer repairs as an increased basis to the trailer asset. If the repairs were more of an improvement or increased the life of the trailer (ex. replacing the floor or roof of the trailer) or under repairs and maintenance if it was basic maintenance like sealing the floor in the trailer.
The tires and brakes are normal wear and tear items that you so would be listed under Business Expenses>>Other Common Business Expenses>>Repairs and Maintenance
Depending on the type of repairs made to the trailer you can enter the trailer repairs as an increased basis to the trailer asset. If the repairs were more of an improvement or increased the life of the trailer (ex. replacing the floor or roof of the trailer) or under repairs and maintenance if it was basic maintenance like sealing the floor in the trailer.
The tires and brakes are normal wear and tear items that you so would be listed under Business Expenses>>Other Common Business Expenses>>Repairs and Maintenance