Don't delete your business if it closed sometime in 2019. Instead, report the business and make sure you select I stopped [your business] in 2019 on the Tell us how long you've worked in [your business] screen.
Otherwise, follow these instructions to delete a business that transferred over from your 2018 return but is no longer owned by you as of January 1, 2019.
[Edited 03/10/20 for current year instructions]
Don't delete your business if it closed sometime in 2019. Instead, report the business and make sure you select I stopped [your business] in 2019 on the Tell us how long you've worked in [your business] screen.
Otherwise, follow these instructions to delete a business that transferred over from your 2018 return but is no longer owned by you as of January 1, 2019.
[Edited 03/10/20 for current year instructions]