Still have concerns regarding Form 8453 and sending attachments for our 8949 forms to Austin, Texas. We have amended our return and there's no evidence on our overview.
Should there be evidence on our overview of our amended tax return. Can we bypass mailing to Austin, since we have filed by mail including our attachments for our 8949 forms?
1 Best answer
Expert Alumni
Jun 3, 2019 4:20:42 PM
If you filed by mail, you don't have to mail form 8453 and your 8949 to the Austin address. Those instructions are for e-file returns.
1 Replies
Expert Alumni
Jun 3, 2019 4:20:42 PM
If you filed by mail, you don't have to mail form 8453 and your 8949 to the Austin address. Those instructions are for e-file returns.