The time can vary, depending on how fast it gets to the intermediary bank where the fees are subtracted. It can take a day or two after that. See the full answer below on how you can check on it.
If you chose to pay your TurboTax fees out of your Federal refund, your funds will first go from the IRS to a temporary account at an intermediary bank--either Civista Bank of Sandusky, Ohio, or Green Dot Bank. At the intermediary bank the fees are subtracted, then the rest of your funds are sent on to your bank (or prepaid debit card) in a second deposit. The company that handles that is SBTPG (Santa Barbara Tax Products Group.)
Less commonly there can be delays at the intermediary bank, and additional ID info, etc. might be required.
If for any reason the second deposit fails (the one that is actually to your bank or card), it will bounce back to SBTPG's bank who will issue you a paper check in the mail.
Once the IRS has released your funds, you can log in to your temporary account at SBTPG to see the status of your funds.
To log in, choose the taxpayer portal at:
has a phone contact page at the following link. It also shows their business hours. Even when they are
closed, you may be able to get automated info, or you can log in as