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New Member
posted Jun 6, 2019 12:02:24 AM

I am trying to see the status of my tax refund and it is saying that the information does not match why is that?

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1 Replies
Intuit Alumni
Jun 6, 2019 12:02:26 AM

First verify your return was accepted by the IRS. You can quickly find out if you did by checking your status. Make sure you wait at least 24 hours after acceptance before using WMR

If it was accepted, make sure when checking your refund status on the Where's My Refund? site, to only enter your federal income amount, not federal and state combined. Another important factor can be if you are married filing jointly and make sure you are using the Social Security Number for the name that appears first on the return. 

If your return was accepted and the information is being entered correctly in WMR and still no status, the IRS website only updates once a day, usually during the overnight hours, I would check back to see if it has updated.

Please see the TurboTax FAQ's below. I have listed two, depending on your situation.