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New Member
posted Jun 1, 2019 11:58:56 AM

How many days does GreenDot Bank take to post my tax refund?

I used a Greendot Cash back card and the IRS said my refund was already sent to my bank. But it's not showing up in my account. What's Greendot banks time frame for posting my refund.

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1 Replies
Level 15
Jun 1, 2019 11:58:57 AM


Did you have the TT fees withheld from the federal refund  and the balance sent to your bank account or debit card ?

If so the refund needs to go from the IRS to the third party bank to your bank account.  This process can take up to 3 business days or more.

Check the IRS :  https://www.irs.gov/Refunds

Check  SBTPG:  by logging into their website at:  https://cisc.sbtpg.com/

Or you can get 24-hour automated info by phone at:  https://cisc.sbtpg.com/contact.aspx