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New Member
posted Jun 4, 2019 7:48:31 PM

Fix my W-2 info

I need to change my W-2 info on my state taxes only and it keeps saying they are good and won't allow for amendments, there is an incorrect line and one line shouldn't even be there,How do I make the necessary changes?

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1 Best answer
New Member
Jun 4, 2019 7:48:35 PM

To edit the W-2 that will affect the state taxes, follow these steps being careful with boxes 15 and onward:

•        Click on Federal Taxes (Personal using Home and Business)

•        Click on Wages and Income (Personal Income using Home and Business)

•        Click on I'll choose what I work on (if shown)

•        Scroll down to Wages and Salaries

•        Click the start or update button

 If you have any other details regarding this question, please feel free to post them in the comment section.

1 Replies
New Member
Jun 4, 2019 7:48:35 PM

To edit the W-2 that will affect the state taxes, follow these steps being careful with boxes 15 and onward:

•        Click on Federal Taxes (Personal using Home and Business)

•        Click on Wages and Income (Personal Income using Home and Business)

•        Click on I'll choose what I work on (if shown)

•        Scroll down to Wages and Salaries

•        Click the start or update button

 If you have any other details regarding this question, please feel free to post them in the comment section.