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New Member
posted Jun 4, 2019 5:49:31 PM

An employer issued a 1099 and used a SS# instead of the business EIN in the payer TIN box, does this need to be corrected? Does the recipient need a corrected copy?

If an employer issued a 1099 to contractors and used a SS# instead of the Business TIN in the Payer TIN box, does this need to be corrected? Does the recipient of the 1099 need a corrected copy with the corrected TIN of the business? Do you use the TIN when you file your taxes? 

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7 Replies
Intuit Alumni
Jun 4, 2019 5:49:32 PM

No, this does not need to be corrected and, yes, you do use this number when reporting the income. The 1099-misc issuer has the option to file the form using an employer identification number or his/her social security number. When inputting the form into TurboTax select the option to enter the payer's federal ID number format as a social security number. See my (screenshot) below for reference.

New Member
Jun 4, 2019 5:49:34 PM

It was an employee's SS# that was entered into the TIN (on 3000+ 1099's) instead of the business TIN. I think that might change your answer. And if any of these contractors have filed already will they need to refile using the correct TIN number?

Intuit Alumni
Jun 4, 2019 5:49:35 PM

If your social security number was listed as the payer's TIN rather than as the recipient's TIN then you need to get it corrected.

New Member
Jun 4, 2019 5:49:37 PM

Will those recipients need to re-file if they have already done so?

Intuit Alumni
Jun 4, 2019 5:49:38 PM

Yes, they will receive a corrected form 1099-misc.

New Member
Mar 23, 2021 1:15:32 PM

Why won't turbotax accept the ss# on a 1099-NEC for EIN

Expert Alumni
Mar 23, 2021 2:02:14 PM

@Suzieq1491 TurboTax does allow you to enter a Social Security number as the payer's federal ID number. Not all 1099-NEC issuer's are businesses. An individual can issue a 1099-NEC.


See the answer by Super Champ @Opus17 to Can I give out Form 1099Misc as an individual and not as a registered business to someone who did freelance work for me this year. And if yes, when do I send it out?


The IRS revived the 1099-NEC for 2020 so his answer refers to 1099-MISC but the information is the same.