Where do I enter my real estate (property) taxes in TurboTax Online?
by TurboTax•1182• Updated 2 months ago
If these are taxes for rental property you own, enter your property taxes in the same place you enter your other rental expenses.
If you're a homeowner, here's how to enter your property taxes:
- Open or continue your return.
- Navigate to the property tax section:
- TurboTax Online/Mobile: Go to property tax.
- TurboTax Desktop: Select Search Topics. Search for and select property tax.
- Answer Yes to the question Did you pay property or real estate taxes?
- Follow the on-screen instructions to enter your property/real estate taxes.
Important: When your property/real estate taxes are included on your 1098, you’ll enter them as part of your mortgage interest in the property or real estate tax field. If they aren't listed on your 1098, you’ll enter them separately as property/real estate taxes.
Tip: If you own additional properties for personal use (like a cabin or timeshare), make sure to include the property/real estate payments for those as well.