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Where do I enter my estimated tax payments?

by TurboTax2508 Updated 1 month ago

If you made estimated or quarterly tax payments in 2024 toward your federal, state, or local taxes, enter them in the Estimates and Other Income Taxes Paid section.

  1. Open or continue your return.
  2. Navigate to the estimated tax payments section:
    • TurboTax Online/Mobile: Go to estimated tax payments.
    • TurboTax Desktop: Go to the Federal section, then Deductions & Credits. Select Estimates and Other Taxes Paid.
  3. Select Start or Revisit next to the type of estimated tax payment you'd like to enter under Estimated Tax Payments.
  4. Enter the amount of estimated tax you paid at each of the quarterly due dates.
    • If you paid 2023 estimated taxes in 2024, you'll enter just one amount for each state or locality.