Self employed

I entered it on my Desktop Home & Business


Enter the CA Middle Class Tax Rebate on a 1099Misc and put the amount in box 3. It will show up as Other Income on Schedule 1 line 8z which flows to 1040 line 8.


Go to Federal (Personal for HB)  > Wages & Income, might need to continue though the general screens.
When you come to the Wages - Your Income screen click on Add Income or
scroll down to Other Common Income, then 1099Misc.
Put the amount in box 3 and follow the prompts.
On the page with a long list of reasons pick None of these apply -Continue.
Say No it did not involve work -Continue
You got it in 2022 -Continue

On California section you will see HERE’s INCOME THAT CALIFORNIA HANDLES DIFFERENTLY. Scroll down to Miscellaneous and scroll down to MIDDLE CLASS TAX REFUND and follow the prompts to exclude the income from CA.