Tax help for military filers

We'd probably need someone to comment (this is a public forum) who knows OK and WI tax laws for handling that.


1)  For your situation, some state's forms allow a military couple with domiciles in two different states, to file Federal MFJ, and State MFJ, but the state forms then allow you to remove the other spouse's income during the State interview.  (NC works this way)


2)  In other cases, the states involved let you file MFJ-Federal, but then require you to file the State-MFS to delineate each particular spouse's own income.   To do that, you would need the Desktop software, so that you could prepare  two MFS-Federal tax files (that are not filed) to generate the MFS-State forms for each state...that would be required to be mailed in on paper.


3) or a mixture of #1 and #2


So it depends on what WI and OK  require in your situation.  But it may also  be further complicated for you, since WI is also a community property state....which mixes your income, even if you file MFS-State.


Is this (2019) the first year you are married? Or have you filed MFJ before.  If you just got married in 2019, and  it gets too messy, you might seek a local tax professional who can parse out those differences.

____________*Answers are correct to the best of my knowledge when posted, but should not be considered to be legal or official tax advice.*