Retirement tax questions

You need to upgrade to the Premier version to enter investments.  You have a consolidated statement. That will have sections for 1099-Int and 1099-Div and 1099B. You need to enter each section in the right place.  So read it carefully and look for headings.... 1099-INT for interest or 1099-DIV for Dividends or 1099B for sales.


You can enter a 1099B manually or try to import it.  If you import it be sure to check it over close and make sure the cost basis got imported and is right.  I import my friends accounts from Wells Fargo.  It works good.


How to import your 1099


Enter a 1099B  under

Federal Taxes Tab or Personal (Home & Business)

Wages & Income

Then scroll down to Investment Income,

Then Stocks, Mutual Funds, Bonds, Other - click Start or Update


If you have a sale for shares that you bought at different times you can put various for the date purchased.  But you should split the sale into 2 sales for short term and long term lots.   So if you bought any shares or reinvested dividends within a year of the sale they would be short term.